• Address:

    Cadastral Office, Jezeří, Plot No. 1/1, Land No. 1

    Cultural Monument – ÚSKP Reg. no. 42992/5-298 

    Czech Republic

  • Client:

    National Heritage Institute

  • Description of work:

    Restoration works

  • Realization:


The Jezeří State Chateau in the Most region is the first Czech monument to be included in the list of the seven ``Most Endangered Monuments in Europe`` published by the cultural heritage organisation Europa Nostra in 2020.

The subject of the restoration work was the revitalization of the original monumental architectural design of the interior of the “Theatre Hall” as it was before 1802, including the addition of the missing part of the gallery and the opening of the walled passages on the ground floor of the hall.

The Theatre Hall, a representative space of the castle originally called the Main or Oval Hall, is the work of an early Baroque reconstruction of the building, which was completed in 1712. The space was adapted for theatrical purposes only in 1802, as part of the Classical alterations to the interiors, largely associated with a change in their functions. Archival research shows that this hall was used as a theatre until the first half of the 20th century.

Within the framework of the project, all original structural and artistic elements were restored or professionally renovated:

  • restoration and fabrication of replicas of the forged railings, including gilding and fabrication of a new oak handrail,
  • restoration and new manufacture of stucco elements, decorative volutes, mascarons with rosettes and pomegranate rosettes,
  • restoration of the stone parapets and window portals.

Renovation of the theatre hall completed.

For more information about the Chateau history and relation of the Theatre hall to Ludwig van Beethoven see the Chatea website.

Take a look at the new photo report on the site magazin.aktualne.cz.