Citadel in Erbil, Iraq
Description of works:
Restoration, construction, conservation works
The subject of the works was the rescue and restoration of two badly damaged historic houses (No. 6/12 and No. 7/1), and on the basis of an amendment to the contract and the adjacent smaller buildings. The project documentation was prepared for UNESCO by the Center for the Protection and Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage, based in Cairo.
The rescue and restoration work were mainly concerned with the provision of unstable walls of fortification houses standing over the steep slope of the citadel hill. The contract work included first installing the shoring of the endangered masonry, gradual repairing, grouting of the damaged masonry and of removing of non-original plasters. Subsequently, masonry was strengthened and re-paired, the foundations of the inner walls were strengthened by reinforcement. The work also included complete dismantling and new ceiling construction, dismantling and reconstruction of brick roof parapets, new design of roofs and rainwater drainage system. All wooden structures were treated against fire, woodworm insects and mold.
The project works carried out in full accordance with technical specifications, workshop drawings, project documentation and the UNESCO restoration standards.